Are you a *Lao person or an ally wanting to join our network?
Lao Helping Lao, LLC is an online expert directory of Lao experts and allies for Lao groups/individuals to find solutions for their professional and personal well-being, working with Ny Derry to facilitate it to make it happen.
For the non-profits out there, Lao Helping Lao, LLC helps Lao experts, allies, and groups to further their mission and increase their fundraising capacity without dealing with resource constraints or volunteer burnout.
Lao Helping Lao's Objectives
1) Career exploration and development
2) Lao history, language, and culture
3) Bridging the gap between Lao youth and elder
If you or your organization have similar objective(s) and want to collaborate or learn more about Lao Helping Lao, don't hesitate to book Ny Derry for a free consultation.
* Lao = all people of Lao Heritage